SatanaKozel - Rogatiya [MP3 320 KBPS]
01- Weter (Wind)
02- Strah da Tuman (Fear and Fog)
03- Kak Pop Sivoldai v Lesu Zabludilsya (As Pop Sivolday in the Forest Lost)
04- T'ma (Darkness)
05- Mest' (Revenge)
06- Kuznets (Blacksmith)
07- Vyuga (Blizzard)
08- Pivovar (Brewer)
09- Podopri-Gora (Podopri the Mountain)
10- Pustota (Emptiness)
Download MP3 320 KBPS - Click HERE
Note: Tracks written in russian
03- Kak Pop Sivoldai v Lesu Zabludilsya (As Pop Sivolday in the Forest Lost)
04- T'ma (Darkness)
05- Mest' (Revenge)
06- Kuznets (Blacksmith)
07- Vyuga (Blizzard)
08- Pivovar (Brewer)
09- Podopri-Gora (Podopri the Mountain)
10- Pustota (Emptiness)
Download MP3 320 KBPS - Click HERE
Note: Tracks written in russian
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